Howto: Remesh a statismo shape model with RvtkStatismo and mesheR

To put some flesh onto my earlier posts, I added an example shape model to RvtkStatismo’s example data. And here is some working code to generate shape models with different mesh resolutions from an existing shape model (using RvtkStatismo and mesheR).

Mean shapes of models created from meshes only differing in mesh resolution.

Below, you find the code to

Decimate a model

mod <- statismoLoadModel(system.file("extdata","mandibles.h5",package="RvtkStatismo"))
shapes <- restoreSamples(mod)

## now append the model's mean at the beginning of the list and
## decimate the list based on that mean
## afterwards remove the mean shape
shapesQD <- decimateList(append(list(DrawMean(mod)),shapes),percent = 0.4)[-1]

## create new models
decimMod <- statismoBuildModel(shapesQD)

## now we generate a random sample from the reduced model and fit the original model
## to see that  the sample is well is within the range of the old model
sampleShape <- DrawSample(decimMod)
Bayes <- createBayes(mod,sdmax = rep(5,100),align = F)
match <- gaussMatch(Bayes,sampleShape,iterations = 5,visualize = T,angtol = pi/2)

Matching the original model onto a random instance from the decimated one

Remesh a model (assuming we have already loaded the model from above and restored the shapes)

## now append the model's mean at the beginning of the list and
## remesh the list based on that mean
## afterwards remove the mean shape
shapesRemesh <- remeshList(append(list(DrawMean(mod)),shapes),voxelSize = 1)[-1]

## create new models
remeshMod <- statismoBuildModel(shapesRemesh)

## now we generate a random sample from the original model and fit the remeshed model
## to see that the sample is well within the range of the new model
sampleShapeOrig <- DrawSample(mod)
BayesRemesh <- createBayes(remeshMod,sdmax = rep(5,100),align = F)
matchRe <- gaussMatch(BayesRemesh,sampleShapeOrig,iterations = 5,visualize = T,angtol = pi/2)

Matching the remeshed model onto a random instance from the original one