Create nicely colored easter eggs with Morpho

On Friday, I added the option rampcolors to the function meshDist in Morpho to allow defining custom colorramps and adapted the function render to conveniently adapt the ramps, without recomputing distances.

Now we use this to create a nice easteregg:

##    first we install the latest snapshot of Morpho
##create an ellipsoid
egg <- quad2trimesh(ellipse3d(diag(c(1.5,1,1)),subdivide = 5))
## get minimal point on x-axis
maxind <- which(vert2points(egg)[,1]== max(vert2points(egg)[,1]))
zero <- quad2trimesh(ellipse3d(diag(rep(1e-5,3)),centre = vert2points(egg)[maxind,])) 
mD <- meshDist(egg,zero,sign=F,steps=50,rampcolors = rainbow(6))

###here is a striped version

render(mD,steps=60,rampcolors = rep(c("red","orange","green"),10))

Easter egg colored with function meshDist.
<figure class="center">  <img rel="zoom" src="/resources/images/easterstriped.png" alt="origstate" width="300" >
Striped version.


Happy easter holidays!