RvtkStatismo: Multiscale B-Spline kernel

The upcoming release of statismo (0.11) is sporting some fancy new command-line tools for model generation and fitting, including the option to use a multiscale B-spline kernel for creating/improving a Gaussian Process model. I now implemented this in RvtkStatismo for generating/extending shape models, using an adapted version of the command-line tool’s code.

statismoModelFromRepresenter and statismoGPmodel now allow the combination of multiscale B-Spline and Gaussian kernels. At the moment the interface is as follows:

We call statismoModelFromRepresenter(mymesh,kernels=list(...)): if the first entry in kernels is a vector of length three, it will be interpreted as requesting a Multiscale B-Spline kernel with the vector’s first entry being the baselevel the second the scale and the third entry the number of levels to be generated. The interface for Gaussian kernels is the same as before.

Here the example: First get RvtkStatismo from the specific branch


ref <- read.vtk("VSD001_femur.vtk")
## we create a model using a a base-level of 150, as scale of 150 and 10 levels
mymod <- statismoModelFromRepresenter(ref,kernel=list(c(150,150,10)),ncomp = 100)

##generate and render some random samples (Fig. 1)
for(i in 1:10) wire3d(DrawSample(mymod),col=i)

Fig. 1: Random instances sampled from a model based on a multiscale B-Spline kernel