class pPCA and rearrangements in RvtkStatismo
25 Jun 2014I got rid of the ugly bastard class pPCAconstr
! Now there is only one shape model class that can be restricted by defining existing/missing coordinates and a given specific shape (function ComputeConstrainedModel()
(I have not yet looked at the statismo methods to restrict a model, though).
Header files
Header files now reside in inst/include, thus future packages may use the already implemented routines (e.g. conversion between statismo and pPCA) by adding
- LinkingTo: RvtkStatismo in the package’s DESCRIPTION file
- adding RvtkStatismo to Import section in DESCRIPTION
- adding
importFrom RvtkStatismo statismoBuildModel
(or any function from RvtkStatismo) to trigger loading RvtkStatismo’s dynlib.
File layout
I made the file naming in the R folder more comprehensive and split a couple of very long files.
I added a converter between vtkPolyData and vtkUnstructuredGrid (courtesy of VTK examples in their Wiki), that might prove usefull when implementing more representers in the future.