RvtkStatismo - (almost) all members of statismo::StatisticalModel implemented

Yay - despite the arrival of a new intern, colloquium and another meeting, I managed to finish the implementation of member functions of statismo::StatisticalModel (only EvaluateSampleAtPoint() is missing). The (still very basic) documentation for these is to be found on page 13 of the updated manual. In some cases the arguments had to be adapted to be sensible within R, but basically this is pretty much the same as from C++. Only the GetDomain() function was split into GetDomainPoints() (output is a k x 3 matrix) and GetDomainSize(). I will try to implement the constrained model building within the next week before the next big chunk of work is rolling my way. If there is anybody out there reading this: PLEASE TEST and report back.