RvtkStatismo - Restore shapes from a model (with stored PC-scores)

As a follow up of my earlier post, one might want to change an existing shape model’s general mesh resolution. If the PC-scores are stored (and the model is not reduced in variance), it is fairly easy to obtain the orginal shapes.

Assume you have stored a statismo shape model (using a mesh representer) in the local file mymod.h5, to restore the shapes, the commands in R are simply:

mymod <- statismoLoadModel("mymod.h5")

## or (in case you do not have one and want to test the code,
## use the example from the RvtkStatismo help to create 
## a model from some landmarks:

align <- rigidAlign(boneLM)$rotated
mymod <- statismoBuildModel(align,representer=align[,,1],scale=FALSE)
##now restore shapes
rest <- restoreSamples(mymod)

Now we could remesh this sample and create a new statismo model.
Have a nice weekend!