Psychedelic skulls from an SSM

A lot of people think statistics is utterly boring. However, you can also do a lot of fun stuff with it. While I was working on creating a statistical shape model of the human skull, I felt somewhat creative and generated a movie of warping skulls with a shifting heatmap coloration based on random samples and a gaussian smoother. Here is the code (we assume, there is already an existing SSM called “skullmod”):

Sample from the model

skullmod <- statismoLoadModel("skullmod")
## sample 20 instances from the model
mysample <- lapply(1:20,function(x) DrawSample(skullmod))

Create a coloring function

The function below samples points from the the surfaces and then creates a weighted distance for each vertex.

## the weighting function
gaussWeight <- function(r,sigma) {
    sigma <- 2*sigma^2
    return(exp(-r^2/ sigma))

## the function that colorizes the meshes with heatmap based
## on the weighted distances to the sampled surface points
mycolorfun <- function(x,random=100) {
    samplenum <- sample(random,size = 1)
    mymeansamp <- vcgSample(x,SampleNum = samplenum)
    inds <- vcgKDtree(mymeansamp,x,k=nrow(mymeansamp))
    test <- gaussWeight(inds$distance,8)
    testsum <- rowSums(test)
    mD <- meshDist(x,distvec = testsum,plot = FALSE)

Use the function to colorize our sampled model instances and interpolate between those to create an image series

mysampleCol <- lapply(mysample,mycolorfun)
## we append the first instance at the end to create a loopable image series
mysampleColRLoop <- append(mysampleCol,mysampleCol[1])
warpmovieMulti(mysampleColLoop,n=15,folder = "colmovie",movie="skulls")

And here is the movie: